My parents flew here last week to spend some vacation time down here with the boys. The wonderful thing about my parents is that when they come, they always melt so well into the family routine...and, believe it or not, pitch in and help out where ever needed.
It seems like both my boys have been sick for weeks, so the added help was very appreciated. My husband has been working crazy hours at the hospital (probably the cause of my kids' bouts of sickness), and has had little energy to help out at home. So, my parents could not have timed their visit any better. Let's not forget the fact that my parents are a 'hoot'.
I am blessed to have both of my parents alive, well, and still married, and I am so thankful that both of my boys will have many memories of my parents to treasure always. Just in case they forget I wanted to summarize the week here:
Tuesday: Cole spent most of morning at the window waiting for grandparents to arrive. Hard to say if he was more excited for the arrival of said grandparents or the rental car in which they arrived. (PS: It was a Chevy!)
Park with Grandma and a friend. Cole spent rest of the day trying to figure out what his special treat from Target would be (from Grandma and Pop-pop). This involved hoodwinking my mother to pace up and down every frickin aisle in Target only to come to the conclusion that he wanted an old Tom and Jerry video. Who would have thought? Jack spent day climbing on Pop-pop.
Wednesday: Zoo visit. All of us spent a good deal of time on the train ride at the park, and at the kids' play zones. The adults spent an equal amount of time trying to get kids to notice the quite impressive display of animals only to be shrugged at by said kids and asked to ride the carousel. Jack used Pop-pop as human jungle gym.
Thursday: School day. Pop-pop went with mommy to pick up Cole. Grandma went to Little Gym with Cole to watch her grandson's gymnastics abilities. Dinner at club.
Friday: School day. Home for grocery store play with Pop-pop and to play in grandparents rental car. Jack used Pop-pop as human jungle gym.
Saturday: Park with Grandma and a visit to McDonald's. Adults hired babysitter for the night and enjoyed an evening of great food out. It was heaven.
Sunday: Recovered from evening out. Puzzles, Wheel of Fortune, and rental car climbing for Cole. Jack climbed on Pop-pop. Adults watched Oscars. Pop-pop won the pool.
Monday: Park with friends in the morning. Jack climbed on Pop-pop,
Tuesday: Back to Target. Fun outside in rental car. Cole tries to help Pop-pop with washing the car, but is more interested in climbing in the car. Jack hangs out with Grandma (or Nana) on the floor to practice his yoga moves. Played new Wheel of Fortune game from Grandma. Early to bed.
Wednesday: Grandparents have to go back home for much needed rest from their vacation.
1 comment:
Oh my gosh! I have been waiting for a week to hear about the visit. Thank you Nisha for the wonderful story. I, too, know you have great parents. Where the heck did Nana come from? Can't wait to hear more. Thanks again for the updates.
Love ya all,
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