Yes, it is that time of year where my husband creates a mental checklist of all the things that need to be accomplished around the house so that he can actually sit back and relax when he is at home. The top of his list for quite some time has been to wash and wax the cars. As he had the day off today, the entire family set out to help old daddy'o check the box next to one of his housekeeping items.
Lessons learned:
1.) 4.5 year old boys are only interested in the hose and dousing all surrounding items other than the car.
2.) 1.5 year olds are only interested in eating the sponges or running madly from parents with the cleaning sponges only to launch the clean sponges into a flower bed once the parent gets too close.
3.) Moms should not wear any white clothing while helping with car wash.
4.) Dads should take Valium before attempting to direct family in the car wash basics.
5.) Explain to drenched children that the appropriate place to strip down to your birthday suit is in the home and not outside when all the neighborhood children are returning from their first day of school.
6.) Cleaning cars with children takes approximately 2 hours longer than it should.
OK, I love this. And, sorry I had to delete my original comment because I have had a few sprinkles and spelled a word wrong. What I wanted to say is that you so need to write a book. This is great. And, I so knew those were Trey's legs behind Cole. Tee hee. Love you guys. Please keep these stories coming. Al-ass
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