I know, I know...most of my posts have centered on being a mom. But...hey, that's what I am. Anyway, I thought that this summed it all up in regards to my week thus far. Trey started his month long trauma rotation at Shands, the civilian hospital in town, and my children may be visiting thier father at work soon, as patients. In short order:
- Jack has learned how to Marine crawl out of his crib...Yes, his matress is already on the lowest setting.
- Cole has discovered the fun of running on the tile floor is socked feet. I see a trip to the ER for stitches coming.
- Jack can climb to the top shelf of my linen closet in .2 seconds.
- Cole cannot climb to the top of a stack of precariously arranged chairs to retrieve his dinosaur game from his closet.
- Boomer stinks.
- I need to purchase a second Little Tykes coupe car...becuase every child I know loves these silly little cars that they must push around like Fred Flinstone...and there is room for only one of my children in these cars. Sooooo, both boys have taken to screaming and pushing to make it clear to the other that it is thier respective turn in the car.
- Jack is perfectly content to attempt summersaults on any surface hard or soft.
- Cole's soccer cleats are definitely too big as his left heel is now covered in blisters for which I have been required to use 1 whole box of band aids over the course of 2 days.
- Naked boys right out of a warm bath + slippery kitchen tile = mommy on her bum
- Washable paint is really not all that washable out of cream duponi silk
- Jacks food paintings on my kitchen blinds rival some of Jackson Pollack's best works
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