Boo-Boo Bunny has been an integral part of our household for sometime. He lives in the freezer and he makes special appearances only when one of my little goons fall down, bump into an inanimate object, or scrape a part of thier precious little body. His icy goodness is perfect for a fast numb on any hurt.
Boo-Boo Bunny has helped needless tears dissappear, especially in the case of my oldest goon. If Cole should have a need, he can go right to the freezer and locate his pal and tend to his own wounds. (Wow, he is growing up so fast!) Yesterday, Cole needed his frosty little long-eared friend. Don't ask me why. It could be any number of issues: he fell, he had a hangnail, he bit his lip, he had an itch. I lose track...but, it doesn't matter because that is why we have a Boo-Boo Bunny. I could hear the entire transaction from my duty station in the laundry room. It went like this:
Little Goon: Ooouuuch! Ooooowwwwieeeeeee! Yikes!!!!!! It really really really really hurts. (pitter patter of feet from bedroom to kitchen) Where are youuuuuu? I need you Boo-Boo Bunny. (Sound of Freezer Door being snatched open--a little too vigorously) Ahhhhh!!!! That is so much better.
Me: Hey hon?
Little Goon: Yes, Mom.
Me: Are you okay?
Little Goon: Yup....(pause) I know...hurt my...oh, look a little hole.
Me: Cole, please make sure you shut the door gently.
Little Goon: Okay Mom!
The day progresses as usual in our little household. Both boys are fed, washed, cuddled and put to bed with books, songs, and nightime prayers. Trey and I proceed to get ourselves ready for bed which includes Trey getting us both a big glass of ice water to set on our respective night tables.
All I know is that I was in bed with the comfy covers pulled up to my chin when I heard Trey go out to the kitchen to get our water. The normal sounds permeated back to our bedroom. The glasses being pulled down from the shelf, the cabinet door closing, and the icemaker rolling...and rolling and rolling. Trey opened the freezer door, and then I heard what sounded like a million small rocks hitting the tile floor. The last sound I heard before I turned off the light was one of Trey's classic Yosemite Sam-like exclamations about the "frickin frackin bleepity bleep blasted Boo-Boo Bunny".
It would seem that Cole found a new home for Boo-Boo Bunny. In the ice chute connecting the ice maker to the door...
I sank further down into the covers and laughed until I cried.
Oh, love it, love it. Thank you for this story. I have really had a good laugh. Miss you guys. Can't wait for you to be bsck home!!!
MAN, I hate it when I mis-spell something. Sorry 'bout that!!
I am glad you liked it. Only a few people can really appreciate the humor involved. I miss you and hope all is well. love n
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