"Today is the day! Today is the day!" - This is what I heard at 4am this morning from my biggest little goon. Needless to say he is pretty excited about today. (Albeit, in my book 4am is really still the day before.) Today is the Monster Truck Jam, and WE are ALL going as a family (minus my littlest goon).
We have never been to a Monster Truck show and really have no idea what to expect. When I have told people where we are headed this weekend for our cultural experience, I have recieved mixed expressions: rasied eyebrows, full out laughter, puzzled looks because no one wants to offend, and the free snippet of advice ("ya know...you really should bring ear plugs or somethin'. Them things put out some sound!").
Cole is a bundle of energy that can barely be contained on a good day. Today he is Jiffy Pop popcorn. He really has no idea what to expect other than lots of trucks and the smashing of a bunch of trucks. Right up his alley. He got to pick our family adventure because he has been super good and cooperative getting his eye drops every day for dialation, and was even better when the doctor said that we needed to go back to daily patching. This was a bit of a blow as Cole loved the eye drops. They were not quite as public as the eye patch, but his eye started to mis-align again so...here we are again..Ce la vie! Cole said it well, "Mom, I hate the patch...but, I don't want another surgery....so, I guess I'll hafta wear it....Do I have to wear it to the Monster Truck show?"
No, my little one. You don't have to wear it to the show, but, now that you mention it, what the heck do you wear to a Monster Truck rally?
You surely don't want to look out of place at the Monster Truck show. I love to do some people watching but I am not a big fan of people watching me...hence the need to blend in. I guess I should spend my time researching appropriate monster truck apparel while my goons are at the pit using thier 'oh-so cool' pit passes.
I tried to call you but you didn't answer. Owen and I watched a moster truck jam on tv last week. He knew all of their names. I don't know where that came from. Did you hear about our "lockdown"? I'm bound to the base except for taking Owen to school. I'm starting to feel the loneliness creeping in. Hope you enjoyed the loud sounds of the trucks. How many mullets did you see?
There was an actual mullet contest at halftime (or whatever they call intermission). Have you ever heard of the Kentucky Waterfall mullet? It was quite and experience. Interesting enough 4 out of 12 truck hailed from the Tidewater VA area, so little did we know that our hometown is Monster Truck mecca. Very odd. Did not hear about lockdown. What for?
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