This conversation took place on the way home from school between Cole and Ella. Ella lives on our street and we carpool with her everyday. Cole and Ella's relationship alternates between best buddies and sibling type tiffs. It can be very trying on the driver's patience.
While flipping through the most recent auto trader, Cole and Ella were deciding which cars they would have when they grew-up and got married:
Cole: Well, you are the lady and I am the husband...so, we will need three cars.
Ella: Okay, but mine has to be pink.
Cole: Are you sure? Pink or purple..I thought purple was your most favorite color.
Ella: Oh yeh..purple.
Cole: Okay, then you can have this Honda minivan, and I can have the Ford pickup truck.
Ella: Oh cool, the kids can stand in the back of the truck.
Cole: And, we can have this car as our date car.
Ella: Okay. The kids can't stand in that car.
Cole: How many kids are we going to have?
Ella: Hmmm...I think like five.
Cole: We have to get a limo.
I love this stage because of these funny little conversations...very serious conversations about very funny topics. So glad you recorded it. And how funny that they will have a "date car", a pick up truck for kids to stand in the back, and a limo!
I like the automatic assumption that they will need THREE cars.
Yes, What does it say about our current society/culture and my parenting that my son is already thinking he requires 3 cars to get by? Back to the drawing board.
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