I have never had a tension headache before today. I have had migraines, and I have had your regular old run of the mill headaches but not a tension headache. You feel a tension headache start to build like when you have your hair back too tight in a ponytail or when your sunglasses have made a permanent indentation behind your ears, but these don't just go away when you let down your hair or rip off your sunglasses.
My tension headache is a result of taking Cole to his latest eye appointment. As many of you know, my son has amblyoplia and strabismus. This requires us to visit the pediatric opthamologist every 2 to 3 months, and have since he was 4 months old. Cole is doing great...vision improving...doing well wearing his patch...my tension headache was purely due to Jack. Jack came along with us to this appointment. I thought I could handle the seemingly endless wait in the less than toy outfitted waiting room. I thought I could keep Jack's attention during the actual eye exam so that Cole could concentrate. I was soooooooooooooooooo wrong.
Let's sum up the afternoon with this one story from the myriad of stories that arose from our visit today:
Jack stole another child's walker. Not his toy walker. His walker that he needs to help him walk around due to a physical disability. The craziness comes not in the fact that my son stole someone else's durable medical equipment but in the plotting of my 2 year old to get the walker.
The walker's owner was approx. 8 years old, and was enthralled with Jack's collection of cars. Jack took them over to the boy and made fast friends. The boy abandoned his walker and sat down with Jack to talk, and play, and laugh. It warmed my heart.
Once Jack had him on his hook, Jack dropped all the cars and started oogling the walker from the corner of his eye. The boy was totally enthralled with the opening and closing of the doors on the perfect minature replicas. This is when Jack seized the moment. He jumped up quicker than greased lightning, and hijacked the walker. Not only did he start running at mach speed, but he started screaming like a caveman who had made his first kill.
I was right there watching the whole thing which is why Jack did not get too far with the said walker (which I am sure cost as much as our second car). Why did he not get that far? We ARE talking about Jack..the child that makes you loose weight just watching him run.
Well he stopped because I purposely tripped my own son...at which point every parent in the waiting room simultaneously sucked in their breath. I am lucky that Jack picked himself up from the tile floor and shouted with hands over his head touchdown style, "I okay...Yes, I okay."
I have to sign off now because goon number two just pooped in the bathtub and goon number one is screaming like a civil service siren.
Calgon take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!