Big Mama is having a fashion fiesta and everyone is invited! I regularly stalk her blog (it is my secret pleasure). I especially enjoy her favorite things section to see what kind of affordable goodies she has listed for us mommies who may wonder if their sense of fashion is a sense that went stagnant,with a list of sundry other things, during pregnancy. Although this is not what is really on my mind today, I thought it looked like fun and who doesn't enjoy a contest?
So here uniform. (Please note all items are machine washable. A complete necessity with two boys and a black dog.)
I thought this was a great idea where I could make a plug for some of my most favorite tee shirts ever, ever, ever. They are comfy, they are cool, they are made in the USA, and they are the right length for covering up my 'never going to go away no matter how many sit-ups I do' bulge (order one size up). They are the best AND I cannot sing their praises enough AND you get a work of art to wear to distinguish you from the other lemmings. Order love Michael and Maggie's story...
I can't wear my tee shirts without out one of my favorite skirts. These help you feel like you are in an icy, okay maybe not icy, air conditioned home instead of humping up to the grocery store with a 2 and 5 year old in the 90% humidity. Old Navy's best buy if you ask me (@$14.50)...and one of American Apparel's few items that look like it doesn't belong at a rave (is that what they are calling them these days?).

Shorts just seem to be getting shorter or are long enough to call least on me...have I mentioned I was short?
I have started to make my own jewelry because so much fashion jewelry seems to be made with silver instead of gold. No one gave my husband the memo that you should not mix your I have a gold engagement/wedding ring (which I love), but it leaves me at Micheals' buying "how to make jewelry books" so that I can have what I want and not spend a fortune.
Here are some recent examples...I know you all will be blown away by my talent. Don't be too impressesed because you too could do this with a bit of elastic, beads, and twenty minutes by yourself to string the dern thingies. Honest! Really!
I am an amateur and oh so lucky if they don't fall off my neck into a million tiny pieces while making the daily drop off at pre-school. Now that would be one helluva choking hazard.
I love my j.crew jeans (because they fit us short people with the long waists..did I mention I was short??) with my very loved anthropologie belt topped off with a pair of flip flops.
I have too many flip flops, but I am here to report that Reefs are the best for comfort and wear. I just bought a limited edition pair of Reefs. I had no idea what made them a limited edition. All I knew is that they were brown and pink; a color combination for which I am a complete sucker. Well, when I got home I realized that as a bonus these Reefs had a bottle opener built into the bottom for those romantic nights at the beach when you just want to pop open a 40...what the heck is with that.
At last count I had a collection of 25 pairs of flip flops that recently was reduced to 22 pairs because my best friend insisted that we clean out my I will be scouting through other participants fiesta blogs for some ides. But below are some of my favorite pairs...What, flip flops don't go with everything???
Lastly, I couldn't make it through the summer without my slip on Chuck's. He doesn't make these anymore, and, as you can see, I could really do with another pair. Anyone have any ideas?
PS: As one may be able to tell by some of the colorful footprints left on the soles of my shoes, I have genetically inheirited my father's odiferous feet. Thanks Pop!
I love it all! Great t-shirts. Cute skirts. I should consider getting one of those. And the flip flops, well, go to my blog and you will know that I, too, heart the flip-flop. :-)
Wow, your jewelry is beautiful!
Favorite line: At last count I had a collection of 25 pairs of flip flops that recently was reduced to 22 pairs because my best friend insisted that we clean out my closet... Hoot!
LOVE the ts too. There are some on etsy that are similar. I enjoyed stopping in !I hope you will come and see my fiesta!
Ah - - - the infamous pile of flip-flops!!! Now THAT looks like my closet.
I love all of it!!! We have the same taste in clothes!
I wanna see a picture of the Reeds flip flops with the bottle opener in the sole. How cool is that? I would never have thought of that!
I love those t-shirts!
Thanks for joining in!
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