Monday, May 11, 2009

Craving Mad

The men in white jackets may be coming to lock me up. I am going crazy and have decided to start my own business.

Decided to name the business Craving Mad. I will be selling my Uncle Elbert's famous pickles as "Raid the Ice Box Pickles", and my "Sweet Dreams" organic gourmet marshmallows recipe.

Excited, nervous, and invigorated. Good to have a new project.


Emily said...

Cute! What a catchy name! Where can I purchase these pickles and marsh mellows?

Weasel said...

Just starting at the beach farmer's market...will begin this summer (once school gets out). I am still working on perfecting the marshmallow recipe with organic gelatin, and natural sweetners. Trying to keep grounded by not going overboard,,,kind of have a whole mess of ideas bouncing around in my head.

But for you...I will ship!

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Love it, Nisha!