Monday, December 17, 2007

Waiting for my Walker

So, my little sister went into labor this morning. I will find out in about an hour if they decide to take her to C-section, and I am wrestling with so many emotions as I sit and wait for the phone call.

I can barely contain my excitement at being an 'Auntie'. There is something completely different when you are welcoming a baby into this world that is of your blood but not your responsibility...something purely joyful. I can sit back and not worry about a thing except loving this little miracle that we will welcome into this world today.

I know that my mind should be on nothing but the health of this little one, but I am more concerned, right now, with my sister's health. Fortunately, we live in a world today with such medical advances and technology that allow for many more successful outcomes for both mother and child. This does not give me comfort because this is my little sister.

I will wait, pray, and find my faith that all will turn out beautifully.

Happy Birthday little Walker, and Happy Birthing Day my Bristol.


Megan said...

Yay! Hope all went well with the delivery. My thoughts are with y'all.

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

So glad to see you posting again. Hope all went well with your sister and hope you get to hold that sweet baby soon. Happy Holidays to you guys!