Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Crazy Fun!

We have had a whirlwind of a week. Much fun was to be had with Aunt Megs visiting from Michigan: starfish finding, major sunburns, library adventures, bargains shopping, closet cleaning, and much gluttony involving food and beverage. Amazingly, in the midst of her visit and complete chaos we were able to rent out the house to a family coming into the residency program here AND they want the option to buy. It is funny how everything happens at once.

Now we will continue to head down the familiar path of re-location....but this time back home to Virginia Beach!!!! Here I come crabfest 2008.


Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

GREAT news on the house! I know you must feel like a big weight has been lifted from your shoulders. And so glad you had a good visit with your friend.I'll give you a call soon.

Al-ass said...

Whooo hoooo!!!! Can't wait. Glad you and Megan had a fun time. Love ya!!

Kristen said...

Ok, you are so cool. Big Mama left you a comment. I loved that post. I don't know how to do all that linky stuff so I wouldn't be able to do that. Plus, my clothes really are not blog worthy. They are sad, very sad. I have lots of nice things that never leave the closet, but what I wear everyday I should be ashamed of.

Ok, so I'm so glad you rented the house. I know that is a huge relief. But I am so jealous you are moving home. I'm happy for you but seriously jealous.

Hawaii was great. Just the break I needed. I hope I can get back in the swing of things now. I hope you and your friend enjoyed a few gin and tonics for me too. Have a great week. I'll call you soon.