Friday, April 25, 2008

Our first sleepover!!!

Okay, so tonight goon number one is having his first sleep over. It is his buddy from school. They both lost the same tooth on the same day, so they are pretty sure they are meant to be friends now. Ahhhhh, the simplicity of it all makes me sigh.

It is only 7:50pm and I am already dragging butt. I have made chocolate chip cookies, faces with spaghetti, had a pillow fight, picked up a room completely booby trapped with small cars, stopped goon number two from beating up overnight guest, made homemade popcorn, made a fort, and stood on my head and spit wooden nickles.

I am pretty sure that the boys will not fall asleep until ten and I am ready for bed now. What was I thinking? Torture comes in the name of sleep overs. Forget water boarding, forget toothpicks beneath fingernails...instead put someone in a room with kids expecting Ringling and Barnum to show up for their first sleepover.

Good night.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, My Sweet!
I hope you survived what was your first of MANY -- I'm sorry, but it's true -- sleepover! To save yourself, NEVER NEVER EVER agree to a sleepover birthday party! Been there, done that, barely survived to warn others!
I love you, doll face, and can't wait to see you and the "goons" during the summer!
Love ya baby, love ya baby!

cookie said...

Again, I must agree with my so smart seester.................
birthday party sleepovers should be avoided at all costs........I remember in a fit of exhaustion having to pull out all of "my guns"......sending down the father to quiet every one down!!!!!!!!!!
I will be ready for the 2 goons to sleepover in June!!