Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I survived Jump and Learn. It is safe to say that both Cole and I have grown since last year. I truly am getting better at letting my kids be kids and not worrying one bit about what other people think.

Cole did great, and Jack did okay. Nothing that a little lollipop action could not fix. Yes, I went to discuss healthy eating habits only to give my toddler a lollipop. It kept him quiet and he was much more content to be strapped down to his stroller. What of it!!??

I am getting so good at not caring that when my son announced to the silent and attentive room that his mommy was, "not so Lung Smart because she smoked in college"...I didn't even flinch. I smiled and shrugged, and I was able to look around the room and see the hidden smiles of those people that probably did the same...and maybe I helped them to be honest with thier children too. Cole you are already wiser than your mom...I hope you stay that way. Innocence is wonderful.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Nish-Love that boy. I'm glad you were able to trade last year's experience for a good one. Miss you.