Thursday, March 20, 2008

Quote of the Day

Cole: Mom, I had such a rough day at school!
Me: Why is that?
Cole: All the kids wouldn't share with me!!!
Me: Hmmmm...really!
Cole: Well, just Peyton. He wouldn't give me the book I wanted.
Me: Did he have it first?
Cole: Yeh!
Me: So...what happened?

"Nothing except that he had the book that I always like and he should know that it is actually my favorite and he has to give it to me when I even look at him. Plus..he can't even read."

PS: Neither can Cole.


Anonymous said...

This is such a familiar scenario. I think Cole needs to work on his "look"! Apparently when he looked at Peyton yesterday, his psychic ability wasn't sharp enough. Bummer!

Weasel said...

Hey Jojo! You are so right. He needs to work on his Jonny Carson technique.

Thanks for Jacks card...he loves to dance down to the tune. You are too sweet. Hugs. Nisha